Matt helped with Raven's swim lesson last week. She was having a hard day after getting her 1 year shots, but she is growing to love the water one day at a time. I'm hoping she'll be a swimmer like her mommy :)
We had a great week celebrating Raven's birthday! In the morning she played guitar with daddy and opened her new shopping cart! She is really into putting things in, and taking things out...and we are trying to get her to walk more. So, she likes the gift :) Later that day we went to the zoo with some cousins! Raven loved seeing all the animals! She would point and say, "Oooooo." (We saw the elephants and gorrillas in these pics)
Later in the afternoon, Raven was able to play with her favorite neighbors! She is always standing on the deck yelling over to these kiddos, despirately trying to get their attention :) Sometimes they come over to play and push her in her new swing from Grandma T!
The next pic is of Raven opening a gift with Grandma. It has been very hot here...can you tell by Raven's crazy hair?
The rest of the pics are from her party this past Saturday. She didn't really like the cake. She picked off the polka-dots and tried to put them on the table. She made a really funny face every time she got frosting in her mouth, and then she ended up feeding it to me - I didn't mind! :)
Overall, it was a really fun party...lots of friends and family!