Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Back to LIFE!


I have let this little blog go a long time without any activity! Honestly, it has come to mind a few times over the last 5 years. I just haven't had the time or thought process to write anything...until NOW!

(Mexico, Feb 2018)

Why now?
Well, first of all, I really want to document our family time for us to look back on and remember and see all that the Lord has done for us. If we don't write it down, then we so easily forget. We so easily think that God has not been with us...when He's been here the whole time! Secondly, we are about to have a very exciting and adventurous summer!  We're going to SPAIN! Along the way I want to share our favorite activities, write about our favorite eateries, and tell our stories along the way! I know it's not going to be easy to travel with 3 kids (and a husband who will be working most of the time), but if you know me, then you know I will do pretty much anything to make incredible memories with my family.

(Easter 2014)

We have all grown so much in the last 5 years. It breaks my heart a little to look back on the blog and see those sweet little baby faces! (I do have documentation of Ryker's baby/toddler years that I might share along the way 😄) I really am looking forward to sharing all of our many adventures with you...if anyone is out there reading this! Ha!